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It was a great week of church!

LDR celebrated opening of the new church with an entire week of services. 

It was an amazing time and the Spirit of God was present each and every day!

Communal Meal/Lord's Supper

So then, my brothers and sisters, when you come together to eat [the Lord's Supper], wait for one another [and see to it that no one is left out]. 1Co 11:33 AMP

After each service, LDR gathers together to share a meal together.  Young and old. Rich and poor. Believers in Christ come together in unity.

Powerful Youth Service

The youth in Tecate (five youth groups total), gathered together to have a Holy Ghost powered worship and word service.  FOUR hours of worship for a group of young pre-teens and teenagers is AMAZING!!!!   Tamborine performance at 1:42:00 mark...

Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6

When One Family doesn't stop living for Jesus

One family wouldn't stop believing and living for God. Their dedication to prayer and worship lead to other families joining them until today they are a church of believers who get together every week to lift up the name of Jesus.

Home Church- Book of Acts in Action!

The church (body of Christ) in Durango has grown exponentially, just like in the Book of Acts when families told others of the Love of Christ and His Spirit spread like a fire throughout and families gathered together to worship and fellowship.

Construction Project

In its third year of progress, the church building project located in Tecate, Mx is starting to resemble a place of worship!

Material and labor funded by Joey Potter Missions

Feeding the Homeless, Part 1

It is amazing how a small home-grown church can feed over 100 people twice a month!  God is Blessing them that's why!

Every other Sunday the saints of LDR set up camp and go walking into the places few would dare to go.  They deliver food to those unable to make the trek back to camp, and for those who can make the trip... hot food, some clothes, and lots of love awaits them!

Feeding the Homeless, Part 2

The group heads out to find the homeless who make their encampents in the culvert that runs through Tecate.  Most gather under bridges out of sight of the Policia who will run them out.

See more at their FaceBook page: