Jay's Testimony

We've heard about the "shot heard around the world" that changed the trajectory of Western Civilization; 

but it was the "shot that was never heard" that changed my life forever.

Yeah, I believed in God, but I didn't really have time or the desire to really think about that kind of stuff.  When I did it was about the big man in the sky who I was told about in Sunday school.  I learned there were a bunch of rules to follow, but figured if I stayed away from the big ones, I'd be alright.

For the most part I was right... I did get by and in fact I was 30 years old and at the prime of my life.  A successful military career and a wide open future awaited me... or so I thoughtBefore I knew it I found myself in a dark bedroom with a fully cocked .357 Magnum in my mouth because I thought I had failed... of course that was non-sense but we don't always think logically do we?  Sometimes the lies in our head are louder than any truths and all we want to do is end the voices telling us how much we've failed.

Fortunately God had a different plan for me.  With my finger on the trigger and the barrel of the revolver aimed up through my mouth, some how... through all the lies screaming at me... I heard that still small voice  "I still have something for you to do for Me".  

No.  No way.  I'm a failure. Can't you see that things aren't working out the way I planned?  

"I still have something for you to do for Me". 

All the noise I heard in my head had left and the only thing left were those words... forever etched on my mind. There was a purpose for me... more.

I put the gun back in the nightstand and from the floor of my bedroom shower I cried out to God "Help me.  I don't know what to do!"  Even though I was crying and felt so helpless, a feeling of comfort and reassurance came over me.  I was going to be okay.  God has me now.

A couple days later I met a few guys at Walmart who shared Jesus with me and after a long sometimes difficult journey with my Savior... I know my purpose.

So here I am... with you...   Want to talk about Jesus?  Are you ready to be restored to who God wants you to be?